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National Endowment for the Humanities Awards Grant to The New School’s Humanities Action Lab

The National Endowment for the Humanities recently awarded The New School’s ‘Humanities Action Lab: Global Dialogues on Incarceration’ a $250,000 grant. The grant will help fund the travelling exhibit that accompanies their first project, States of Incarceration. Meant to travel to at least 20 cities over 3 years, the exhibit will focus on the collective memory of prisoners and ultimately address public concerns regarding the United States criminal justice system.

Picture Projects has teamed up with HAL to develop the web platform for States of Incarceration, as well as a mobile polling system that will accompany the travelling exhibit and associated public events. The website will feature more in-depth materials relating to the exhibit’s content, news updates, blog posts, and the data collected from the mobile polling system. The platforms will expand upon the research and stories collected by the 20 different universities participating in the project while also inviting the public to become engaged in the discourse.

Click here to see the exhibit’s scheduled dates and locations.

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